Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello everyone!

  We want to take a moment to up-date this blog and let you know that we are all doing good. We have spoken 34 times as of last night and God has been soo faithful! We have a goal to raise 150 shares of  $20 each to cover a year of our support while in Haiti. We currently have around 50 some and have a goal to have 75 shares in by Christmas. If you feel that you would like to get involved in this vision that God is giving us for Grande Riviere du Nord, Haiti then jump right in! There are MANY blessings and victories ahead as we continue to follow God's footsteps on our pathway! It is exciting to be His child and in His service!
  We have been thoroughly enjoying the last couple months traveling and speaking in Ohio, North Carolina and South Carolina. We have seen beautiful Fall scenery and are enjoying it very much!
We really missed the gold, orange and red leaves while living in Florida for the past two years and we praise our Creator for His handiwork!
  Some of you may have not heard the awesome news that God has provided the ENTIRE $30,000 needed to build and furnish our house in Haiti! We are thrilled at the way that God continues to provide and DAILY confirm this exciting path for us! Most of the walls have been laid and Danny will be taking a work team to Haiti in January to continue building our house :o)
  We have been thrilled with the wonderful response to our Children's Toy Project that we have introduced to many of you. We know of one children's group that has been collecting items and are getting ready to send it to us to take to Haiti when we go. So exciting to see children jumping in to help those who are less fortunate than themselves! May God richly bless them and all of you for your generosity to put a big smile on a child's face :o)
  We have finished here in SC and will be heading back to Hoosier country in the next few days. This weekend we head off to the Windy City of Chicago to sight see and share at a church there. As always, your PRAYERS keep us going...THANK-YOU!!  There are a few specific ways we would appreciate prayer right now: 1) I would appreciate prayer for myself physically. I have had a LOT of teeth/ear/sinus issues and been in some pain. I am currently fighting a chest cold and could use God's touch as we continue with our traveling plans.
 2) Please pray that we can reach our goal of 75 shares by Christmas.
 3) We need prayer covering as we travel many, many miles for safety on the roads.

Thank-you for caring! Thank-you for giving! Thank-you for praying!