Friday, December 27, 2013

Detours Along the Journey

 God, in His infinite wisdom, has allowed a couple detours to come up on our journey. Our original plan was to fly back to Haiti on January 14th, Lord willing. Well, it is abundantly clear to us that it is not yet God's timing for us to return. We are very thankful that He has brought to light some medical issues with two of our children while we are here in the States. Our oldest, Rebecca, has been struggling with swollen tonsils and infections since the beginning of November. She has been on several different rounds of antibiotics, which have failed to make her better. We had an appointment with an Ear, Nose, & Throat specialist today and it has been decided to completely remove her tonsils and adenoids next Friday. She will have a recovery period of at least 2 weeks before she can travel. We feel like this will be a huge help to her with her allergies and other issues and are thankful that she will get relief. :o)
  As you all know, one of our main reasons for returning was to find out what is going on with our youngest child, Caleb. He was diagnosed with having a rare nerve disease called neurofibromatosis. This is a degenerative disease that can worsen with age. Basically, he has several light colored spots on his body that may develop into tumors as he gets older.(This disease literally affects 1-2 people in 3,000 nationwide.) He has the milder form called NF1 and seems to be doing good at this point. He had an MRI done and we have received the results back. There are definitely NF1 spots on his brain that we will need to monitor. Thankfully, there are no tumors. The concern is that the scan showed abnormalities in his pituitary gland. We have another appt. scheduled with an Endocrinologist at Riley for the 22nd. We are somewhat relieved that this has come to light as he is under-weight for his age and short. He weighs 35 lbs at 5 1/2 years old and has a poor appetite. Pieces of this puzzle are beginning to come together and we are hoping for more answers as we go to his next appointment.
  The 3 amazing facts I blogged about in our last post remain! God is the same God! He is in control! We can FULLY trust Him for His perfect timing for our return to Haiti! We are so thankful that many of you understand that we continue to need your prayers and financial support as we live each month by faith. Living here in the States is quite a bit more expensive that it was in Haiti and we appreciate each and everyone of you who continue to faithfully send in your monthly gifts! THANK-YOU!

 I will leave you with 2 more urgent prayer requests. We needed $30,000 to build our house in Haiti and God was so faithful to supply. However, due to the rising costs of some of the materials as often happens during building projects, we are about $6,000 short of having enough to finish out the house. There is a work team going in to GR January 10th with the main purpose of re-doing the kitchen in the mission house below our house. There is a possibility of Danny going along and working some more on our house. To do this we need the finances to take care of his plane ticket there and to finish out the kitchen. Would you help us pray that God will supply this need in His time? We also have the need of the new water pump for the orphanage. Some money has come in toward this and we continue to trust God to bring in the rest. God is an awesome God and we praise Him for seeing the big picture and working all things out for our good and His glory!

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